Charlotte's Finest Zetas
Servant leaders, promoting life-enhancing civic work to address the ever changing needs of the Greater Charlotte community.
Servant leaders, promoting life-enhancing civic work to address the ever changing needs of the Greater Charlotte community.
Greetings and welcome to the website of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, Psi Mu Zeta Chapter. Our beloved organization has been an epitome of “Community-conscious, action-oriented” trailblazers for over 100 years and counting. With Finer Women ready and willing to serve the Charlotte-Mecklenburg area.
Psi Mu Zeta chapter is led by a group of energetic, professional, and college-educated women; dedicated to serving and being a resource to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg area through fostering our principles of Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood, and Finer Womanhood.
We offer a variety of programming activities that are in alignment with our National Initiatives. Such as our partnership with the March of Dimes where we raise funds and awareness for babies. Zetas Helping Other People Excel (Z-HOPE) program is the foundation of our sisterhood and has been demonstrated through our service projects targeting survivors of domestic violence, senior citizens, and youth. Lastly, we have partnered with our chapter's non-profit foundation, Sisters of the Dove Charity Fund, Inc. to provide thousands of dollars to deserving high school scholarship recipients.
As President of Psi Mu Zeta Chapter, I am honored to lead and serve alongside this diverse group of phenomenal women who have a heart of service. We strive for excellence in everything we do!
We invite you to explore our website and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @charlottesfinestzetas. In doing so you will learn information regarding our history, programs of service, and sisterhood. Please take the time to connect with us and monitor the remarkable impact we are having on our community! Thank you for visiting our website!
Yours in Service,
Ta-Tianna Nealy-McFadden, M.B.A, PMP
Psi Mu Zeta Chapter
With a strong focus on our National Z-HOPE Program, we have developed several long-standing partnerships with local community-based organizations, businesses and schools to help identify and meet the needs of our community.
Finer Womanhood encompasses a holistic peace within your mind, body and spirit, while exemplifying superior qualities of character, honesty and integrity, accountability, empathy, resilience, humility, and kindness.
The Ladies of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Psi Mu Zeta Chapter in partnership with Sisters of the Dove Charity Fund Inc., invite you to join us for a night of mystery and elegance at our masquerade ball, where every dance step helps pave the way for future dreams. An evening full of music, dancing, and fundraising, all in the name of #scholarship.
Early Bird Tickets and Tables are available now!
#zetaphibeta #zphib1920 #masquerade #CharlottesFinestZetas #SistersoftheDove #psimuzeta #PMZ
#CharlottesFinestZetas delivered classroom snack items to Hopewell High School in Huntersville, NC and David Cox Elementary School in Charlotte, NC.
These snack items were collected during our Chapter Anniversary Celebration on September 12, 2023. Classroom snacks are one of the largest needs for school-aged children, and teachers often find themselves purchasing these items out of pocket to make sure all students have access during snack time. We were glad to be able to assist our local schools with this need and they were most appreciative!!
#ServiceIsWhatWeDo #ZetaPhiBeta #ZPhiB #PsiMuZeta #CharlottesFinestZetas #PMZ
Just choose Sisters of the Dove Charity Fund, Inc. as your charity of choice when you shop on Amazon Smile and they will donate a percentage of your sale to our foundation.
Since inception, we have awarded over $23,000 in scholarships to deserving local minority scholars. Please help us continue to give big to deserving students who desire to further their education.
You can also donate direct to the foundation using the link below.
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Psi Mu Zeta Chapter - All Rights Reserved
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